Tag: Chaim

  • Quick Torah thought: Metzora

    Hi Friends, One quick Torah Thought inspired-by this week’s parsha, Metzorah: We again visit the topic of Tzaraat, an infliction of the surfaces of the house, property, clothes, and (eventually) body, as a punishment for speaking “Lashon HaRa” (“The evil tongue”). The Rambam explains that Lashon Hara, *true* gossip about someone, is more evil than…

  • “Manning Up”

    A strange set of stories introduce us to Israel’s greatest prophet and leader in this week’s Parsha, Exodus: “It happened in those days that Moses grew up and went out to his bretheren and observed their burdens; and he saw an Egyptian man striking a Hebrew man, from his brethren. He turned (faced) this way…