These Are Humans : The Men You Meet in Prison

A collection of letters, writings & sketches by Ari Teman.

Dozens of top legal experts, Rabbis, community leaders, & justice reform advocates have called out the ″major injustice″ against entrepreneur & lifelong volunteer Ari Teman. Learn more at

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  • Imprisoned Childhood /Holy Justice

    Right before a judge decides a sentence, they should be reminded they are sentencing that man’s children, too.…

  • Tuna fish and such

    “Tuna fish” is redundant. “Tuna” “Do you mean the fish?” You don’t have to do that with “German…

  • Erev Passover Pickup Line

    “Hey, is your tush Chametz? Because it’s on fire.” Try it on your girlfriend or wife! Satisfaction* guaranteed!…

  • Quick Torah thought: Metzora

    Hi Friends, One quick Torah Thought inspired-by this week’s parsha, Metzorah: We again visit the topic of Tzaraat,…

  • The bloodiest event I ever experienced…

    The bloodiest event I ever experienced bleeding was the ribbon-cutting ceremony at the new ribbon factory. Scissors everywhere.…

  • Thoughts from living with sex offenders

    Some thoughts on the guys in for sex offenses, after having the unique experience of living with a…

  • Boundaries & Birds

    Hi Friends, Hello from FCI Miami where the geese and birds had babies and are training them around…

  • The Men Inside (Child Abuse)

    “At 7, I was bound, abducted, and forced to have sex with other children, in a cinderblock room,…

  • Breakfast of champions

    One day per week, from 6:15am to around 8am, guys line up with empty, heavy-duty mesh laundry bags…

  • Sanctuary, not Sacrifice

    This week we begin reading VaYikra (Leviticus), the Torah’s central book literally (3 of 5) and ethically. The…

  • If you build it…

    Hi Friends, A few quick Torah thoughts… In this and last week’s Torah portions, YaYakhel and Pikudei, G-d…

  • The man who named Bat Man

    I wonder if the guy who named “Big Bird” is the same guy who named “Bat Man”. I…

  • Fight the Weak

    Joey (name changed) twitches like a lovable toy robot dropped down the stairs a few too many times.…

  • Donkey Empathy

    This week’s Torah Portion, Mishpatim, is perhaps my favorite. Like a great standup bit, it seems to be…

  • Asking for help

    Hi guys, Now that I have some breathing room, a bit of a longer note… Before I begin:…

  • Heritage of Spirit

    “Most people are standing, here, with one foot in the past and one in the future,” Zater says,…

  • Heritage of Spirit

    “Most people are standing, here, with one foot in the past and one in the future,” Zater says,…

  • It’s always something

    It’s always something. Except this. This is nothing. This could have been something, really it could have been…

  • Times have changed!

    Back in the 90s, if folks wanted to be entertained they had to call a phone number to…

  • “Manning Up”

    A strange set of stories introduce us to Israel’s greatest prophet and leader in this week’s Parsha, Exodus:…