Tag: IFS

  • Thoughts from living with sex offenders

    Some thoughts on the guys in for sex offenses, after having the unique experience of living with a lot of them for 6+ months and interacting with them frequently (they make up possibly a majority of the population here, especially if you discount the largely non-English speaking Puerto Rican gang members). 1. All of them…

  • If you build it…

    Hi Friends, A few quick Torah thoughts… In this and last week’s Torah portions, YaYakhel and Pikudei, G-d tells Moses to have the people build the Mishkan, Tabernacle, a traveling Temple that our Rabbis explain was a “home for G-d” to convene with the Jewish people until we built the Temple in Jerusalem, a model…

  • Fight the Weak

    Joey (name changed) twitches like a lovable toy robot dropped down the stairs a few too many times. The batteries are fully charged, but jerky movements let you know something’s loose inside. Still, his smile radiates with a shy glee and his eyes [reveal] a brain working overtime. It doesn’t tell him nice things. “I…

  • Perspective

    I got to chatting with a young Jewish guy, “New York”, in my unit. He’s out in about 41 days and I asked about his plans. He wants to go into cybersecurity, where he’d had a business before, or something similar. But overall he felt stuck, no friends, lost a child, rough relationship — there…