Tag: Wishing

  • A Hopeful Shabbat

    In this week’s Parsha, our forefather Yaacov promises Laban to work seven years to earn Rachel as his wife. The Torah says that because he loved Rachel, the seven years “seemed like little time to him” (Vayetse, 29:20). The Shadal (Trieste, Italy) explains that “those days were days of tranquility and pleasure, for he took…

  • My bed tent. Eureka!

    In the Glass House, there are no full walls around your cell, just cubicle partitions, about 5′ tall, so privacy is non existent… until, Eureka! I awoke from a (failed) nap with a plan! For those new to hearing about the Glass House, imagine a corporate office, but in each 8×8 cubicle they stuck: –…