These Are Humans : The Men You Meet in Prison

A collection of letters, writings & sketches by Ari Teman.

Dozens of top legal experts, Rabbis, community leaders, & justice reform advocates have called out the ″major injustice″ against entrepreneur & lifelong volunteer Ari Teman. Learn more at

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  • Psych 101

    Today I had a 12pm (Noon) callout to go to the Psychology department. I don’t like these callouts…

  • “Keep pushing to see what happens”

    Sometimes the prison walls and barbed wire fences squeeze you a little tighter than you can bear —…

  • Bar Mitzvah #2 – Weekend Update

    This week I leined (read for the congregation) the Torah portion of Lech Lecha, the third Torah portion,…

  • Perspective

    I got to chatting with a young Jewish guy, “New York”, in my unit. He’s out in about…