These Are Humans : The Men You Meet in Prison

A collection of letters, writings & sketches by Ari Teman.

Dozens of top legal experts, Rabbis, community leaders, & justice reform advocates have called out the ″major injustice″ against entrepreneur & lifelong volunteer Ari Teman. Learn more at

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  • The Second Floor Toilet Persists

    “I’m doing my best, but some days are brutal,” says the 2nd floor, rear Glass House toilet, the…

  • Muslim Mike Chooses Life

    “Everyone leaves prison with a million-dollar plan,” says Muslim Mike, as he’s affectionately known. “My plan is to…

  • Jewish geese

    If I say, “Jewish goose” you immediately picture a rather anti-Semitic image. Furry hat? Big nose? Briefcase? Check.…

  • So we’re part evil inclination…

    Earlier in the week I read in a commentary on the Torah, by Rabbi Boruch Adler, that the…

  • It’s a pleasant torture

    A friend here, Martin, was chatting with me and said his mom was always asking him, “What trouble…

  • Shavua Tov & Happy Chanukah!!! Home soon!

    Shavua Tov and Happy 3rd Night of Chanukah to all who celebrate. To those who celebrate “Hanukkah” or…

  • Chanukah in Prison

    In prison, seeing a flame is rare. Tonight, dozens of them adorned folding tables near the glass front…

  • In the Image of the Creator

    I have been thinking a lot about hunger lately, because I’m often hungry here. The kosher meals, cheap…

  • Family & Forgiveness : Reuben’s Voice (Abortion)

    One of the simultaneously most-painful and most-beautiful moments in prison is watching a small boy or girl cling…

  • Teaching Art in Prison

    Last night, I taught a drawing class to a room full of men accused of crimes ranging from…

  • The 85 year-old little boy in prison

    “What were your parents like?” I ask Doc. Asking an 85-year-old man about his parents starts your brain…


    I cannot overstate the amount of farts here. It’s like a French department store of farts, breathtaking in…

  • Judaism through new eyes

    Shavua Tov. This was a laid-back Shabbat with some nice highlights. “Bek” (Dennis Gogel), the German soldier who…

  • A Hopeful Shabbat

    In this week’s Parsha, our forefather Yaacov promises Laban to work seven years to earn Rachel as his…

  • Pound, Oprah Winfrey’s Dream

    Pound, as he’s called, is big. Bigger. When you sit with him or stand next to him, it…

  • Zionist Pimps, Trannys, and Party Promoters

    Shavua Tov from the Glass House. It’s Saturday Night and the guys are in their teal plastic chairs…

  • My bed tent. Eureka!

    In the Glass House, there are no full walls around your cell, just cubicle partitions, about 5′ tall,…

  • Chanukah Decorations at Glass House

    Rubinstein’s got a tinsel Magen David hanging over the entrance to his cubby, and a “Happy Hanukah” (Well,…

  • From moments of despair to moments of joy

    Some days you wake up in prison and some days you wake up IN prison. Today was one…

  • The Lebanese Jewish Zen Monk Who Taught Nazis to Fight

    “Nobody with hope joins a gang,” says Brian Zater, the Lebanese Jewish Zen Monk of Glass House. He’s…